There are plenty of colon cleansing recipes available everywhere. You can find them on the Internet or maybe get one from a friend but basically homemade recipes are given on a try it yourself basis. There are some ingredients that are proven to help with cleansing the colon so basically people have concocted some of those together and actually have come up with a few good recipes.
The ingredients that seem to yield the best results have such things as Psyllium husks or seeds that offer the bulk your colon need to cleanse itself of any built up waste material. Probiotics are another ingredient that is often used for colon cleansing because they increase the growth of good bacteria that are supposed to be in your body. Even if you decide to purchase a colon cleansing kit at a nutrition store always make sure that it includes Probiotics.

While some claim that Cayenne Pepper can cleanse the colon others swear by prunes and potassium. The potassium theory does hold some weight though because when people are low in potassium have weak colon walls which makes it very hard for them to contract properly when fecal matter needs to move. Potassium in the colon wall tissues brings in more oxygen. This is necessary for good cell function and the elimination of toxins. Potassium is extremely important in cleaning, feeding, and strengthening the colon walls. Excess buildup of fecal matter and toxins is a cause of continual constipation.

The high concentration of potassium and vitamin A, in prunes, melts down fecal wall wastes and dissolve blockages. They also activate the muscles needed to move this waste out through your rectum. Eating foods that are high in potassium is a good idea for maintenance and can help avoid future blockages but may not be enough to push a blockage through. Some foods that are high in potassium are kale, cabbage, yellow tomatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, alfalfa sprouts, goat milk, sesame seeds, wheat germ brewers yeast, flax seed, grapes, green peppers, pineapple, and beets.
Finally, some people believe strongly that if they pour hot water over dried prunes and wait for about ten minutes before not only eating the prunes but also drinking the broth will help to cleanse the colon as well.

DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a guarantee of any success. This information has been previously researched but you should do your own research to expand your knowledge. This should not be consider as medical advice.